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Reaping Real Estate - Utilising Web Scraping to Find Your Dream Home

Navigating the nuances of the Real Estate landscape can be tough for the unknowledgeable newcomer, as the overwhelming amount of choices and factors that inevitably go into finding a home you can be happy with are staggering. Unfortunately, while there is an enormous pool of options in the form of house hunting apps and websites, attempting to find your way through all the fluff and misleading information can leave you feeling more confused than before you began.


Despite the fact that we have worked software and program tools into essentially every facet of our lives, from apps that track our workout regimes to systems that can effectively automate the majority of tasks in a business, we often overlook just how useful these tools can be.

For those of us that are intimidated by the prospect of searching through another 200 house listings, that’s where web scraping comes into play.


Web Scraping Secrets

It may not be the only tool that can assist you when overcoming the predicaments associated with house hunting (we’ll get to those in later blogs), but it’s certainly an impressive system which has been oft-overlooked by those on the prowl for property. Web scraping, also known as data scraping depending on personal preference, is a software-based service that allows you to gather a complete data package from relevant websites of your choosing, and express that information in a simple and easily manipulated way.

What’s web scraping? Check here if you are new to web scraping & data extraction –

Despite its reputation as an eCommerce tool, allowing retailers to build their clientele by staying on the cutting edge of market trends, web scraping has the ability to cut through all the unnecessary advertising and sales pitches that Real Estate websites have essentially become known for. This leaves you with a simple, easily digestible spreadsheet of facts and figures to explore at your leisure, giving you the opportunity to ensure that you are in charge of your house hunting search.

Luckily for those that don’t have the time, patience or know-how to scrape an entire website themselves, companies such as Scraping Solution are a fantastic, fully managed alternative that provides the benefits without the burdens. This allows you to continue your search, without the hassle that comes with maintaining a scraping effort alone. Though it may not be the first program that many will reach for, it’s definitely a valuable asset for those hoping to get a leg up in the property market. Happy hunting!

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